
Following is the list of options for AirfoilCST and AirfoilFFD modules. Options are divided into three categories: CST related options, FFD related options and general options.

General options

airfoilFile (str)

name of the .dat file with extension. This is a requried option, irrespective of the parametrization

solverOptions (dict, default={})

options for the flow solver (only adflow for now)

meshingOptions (dict, default={})

options for the volume mesh generator (only pyHyp for now)

aeroProblem (default=None)

aero-problem from baseclasses package defining information related aerodynamic analysis

directory (str, default="output")

name of the directory where the results will saved

noOfProcessors (int, default=4)

desired number of processors to run the analysis on

refine (int, default=0)

value of this options controls how much to refine or coarsen the generated volume mesh When the value is zero, there is no change to the volume mesh. When the value is 1 or 2, the volume mesh is refined by one level or two levels respetively. When the value is -1 and -2, the mesh is coarsened by similar levels

writeSliceFile (bool, default=False)

option to specify whether to add a slice in the mesh and write the slice file or not

writeAirfoilCoordinates (bool, default=False)

option to specify whether to write deformed airfoil coordinates (dat file) or not

plotAirfoil (bool, default=False)

option to specify whether to plot deformed airfoil or not

getFlowFieldData (bool, default=False)

option to specify whether to get the field data or not

region (str, default="surface")

this option only applies when getFlowFieldData is set to True. This option decides from what region to extract the data. There are only two possible values: surface (will extract the field data at surface) and field (will extract the entire field)

alpha (str, default="explicit")

option to specify whether to consider alpha as an explicit or implicit variable. There are only two possbile values: explicit (normal analysis) and implicit (internal root finder). When this option is set to implicit, then for each sample secant method is used to find alpha such that target CL is achived. So, this option also takes longer to evaluate. Note: When this option is set to implicit, then alpha cannot be added as a DV

targetCL (float, default=0.824)

this option only applies when alpha is set to implicit. This option specifies the value of target CL to be met

targetCLTol (float, default=1e-4)

this option only applies when alpha is set to implicit. This option specifies the required tolerance to be met for target CL

startingAlpha (float, default=2.5)

this option only applies when alpha is set to implicit. This option specifies the initial guess for angle of attack (in degrees) for secant method. Note that this value has a huge impact on the convergence speed of the secant method. So, it is recommended to set this value close to the expected value

samplingCriterion (str, default="cm")

this option decides which method to use to generate Latin Hypercube samples. Only four options are available: c, m, cm, ese

randomState (int, default=None)

this option is used to set the random state while generating Latin Hypercube samples